Hello there!

Attended’s dynamic team of movers, shakers, how-can-I-helpers, and do-it-right-the-first-timers is fueled by a genuine passion for people and events, an intense drive to do their best, and, truthfully, more than a few Diet Pepsis (settle down. We stock Coke, too). We’re proud of our roots in Raleigh and the strength of our regional reach in the Southeast. There’s one reason we’ve grown our team, our clients, and our reputation: We’re the best at doing it better.

As you consider a role at Attended, please know a few things:

  1. In every interview, we’re going to ask you about you, but we’re also going to ask about us. You might want to brush up on our About Us, Management, and Production pages.

  2. We’re looking for just the right fit for our team. We’re going to take the time to make sure you’re right for us, and we’re right for you.

  3. We’re not always hiring, but when we are, you’ll find our positions listed here. If you’re interested in working with us, we encourage you to say hello and check back here often.

Our Current Job Openings

None at this time.